Our Vision
We believe that public space design is also a design of our common world. Public realm is a place to meet, observe each other, start conversations and enjoy the same things. To enjoy time spent together and foster relationships.
The process of agreement on the form a public space takes is a kind of laboratory of social discourse. When approached correctly, public spcae design can bring valuable experience to all involved parties: people learn to formulate priorities, to respect other opinions and needs, to solve practical issues, to foster understanding, to search agreements. All of these are experiences which can help strengthen trust between the city and its inhabitants and progress the society as a whole.
How do we approach our work? We build on these principles:
First we find the right questions
We know how to pose questions. We find the right questions
In order to create a quality design a quality process is key
All changes in public realm need to be supported by people who inhabit the space, who care for the space and by people who decide the future of the space. This is especially true with large scale projects - reconstruction of a square or a creation of a new park. In order for a great result to be achieved, it is vital to have the right process in place. A process which includes all stakeholders, one that allows for formulation of wishes and needs, one that helps to find wide agreement on the key aspects of the subject. Communication of each stepping stone towards the public is key, as people need to understand the process, regardless how complicated it might be.
Changes in the public realm require public suport
Creating public schemes without considering what the public needs is the worst thing that can happen. Hence we are convinced that involving the general public from the start is key. Invite the big as well as the small stakeholders and give everyone a chance to join the process of brief creation.
Participation needs to be set up in a case to case fashion. There are non-popular projects, which need to be done nevertheless. Sometimes that means that the change needs to be realised top-down, based on data, not on a whim. The public need to be informed and afterwards create feedback loops to evaluate.
In order for a change to be accepted, major effort needs to be put on the explanations. Planned projects need to be discussed in a way so that everyone understands - expert topics need to be tranlated to every day speech, visions and emotions.
Including the people - either through a questionaire, workshops, moderated debates, walks or feedback meetings - can allow not just for project improving, but people will accept it as their own. Towns and cities shouldn't invest just in the construction but also in cultivating relationships.
We deliver results even in complicated conditions
We are not just architects - we have many years' experience of how hard a polititian's or city official's role can be. We understand both time and energy spent trying to implement change within the burreaucratic system - you will not have to explain your problems, we've been there and we understand you. Sometimes, the lack of money, time or political will can be an issue. These are issues we are able to consider and work out a best scenario solution.
We understand, that project within the public realm can be sensitive. The process of change can be unpleasant and full of conflict. We appreciate the strategies can vary - sometimes head against the wall solutions work, sometimes fragmentation of projects and starting with the small scale without causing a disruption can be the key. Often a wide discussion with stakeholders and general public is advisable. We can react to each of these situation and tailor a solution for you.
It should work even without us
We are not a task force that arrives in a city and proposes changes top-down. The way public realm looks and feels is a reflection of the city itself - there is no use in investing into things a town cannot administer and care for in the future. That is why we insist every project grows out of a close collaboration with the council. Part of the project is learning together how spaces can be managed in the city and designing something which is sustainable for the client. We are thrilled when we see the council learning something from each project and then perhaps be able to take next steps on their own.
We look at context
Every brief is always considered in a broader context. We believe that it's not just a town square that needs to be redesigned, but also the role it plays within the wider centre. We understand that questions of traffic need to be tackled in a complex manner and that a park is not just to be visually pleasing but integral part of a green blue infrastructure. We also understand that the way a park is managed tells a story about the whole city council and its internal structures.
Sustainability is not just ecology
Sustainability is not just ecology. We view sustainability as three separate meanings - ecological, social and economical. In order for a truly sustainable solution to be found, we need to develop an idea in all three dimensions.
Ecological sustainability:
We view landscape as a key and basic building stone of all places. It needs to be understood, respceted, connected and creatively developed.
Part of each and every project is the aspect of biodiversity, which is key for our survival. Often these solutions are fairly cheap and counterintuitive, for example a soil repeatedly stepped upon by joggers or animals can in fact mean an increase of biodiversity. Our projects which include landscape are always consulted, or designed in close collaboration with specialists - landscape architects, biologists, hydrological engineers.
Urban areas need to allow for active mobility. When people walk and cycle it is ecological (lower emissions), it is space efficient and it is also the cheapest way to move around.
Social sustainability:
When we design, we think of the most vulnerable users. If a street is a good space for them, it is good for everyone.
We set proceses in a way to help foster local communities. The spaces allow for creating relationships, which enrich the area.
We like to include educational aspects to our projects - people can learn something new, which will not be taken away from them. The best case scenario is people sharing their gained knowledge amongst their peers.
Economic sustainability:
We always create solutions for various time scales - quick ad cheap solution, mid term projects and long term visions which steer the future follow up projects.
We emphasise management. Public spaces often don't miss grand investments and complete reconstructions, but often lack quality management. We help create a strong care program for the space. The future care for the site and it's complexities are considered during the design phases.
We always try to involve locals to the everyday workings of the city, because if people love places, they cherish and take care of them, which saves money in the end. We will help municipalities fund projects through subsidies.
Open communication is the basis of pleasant cooperation.
We are able to find and tell a story which is hidden behind a task we undertake for a city. We care deeply that people understand what we do and what we are trying to achieve. This is how we speak and write about it - in human and legible language.
We can help come up with a strategy of communication for the whole project. Open communication is understood as part of the task - a succesful project in the public realm should also deepen the trust of the inhabitants to their city, that is why clear communication is paramount.